NOVO-X7 Testabooster


  • 10 virk innihaldsefni
  • Ashwagandha, fenugreek, maca, zinc, selenium, D3, Tongkat Ali   og fleira og fleira.
  • Meiri orka
  • Minni þreyta
  • Minna stress
  • Aukið þol, styrkur og endurheimt vöðva
  • Testabooster sem að virkar!

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Vörunúmer: GNX7 Flokkar: , , ,

Synifera (Ashwagandha extract, 7%) 210mg – increases exercise performance, strength, and fat loss while boosting testosterone levels

Fenugreek extract (40% saponins Grunin, Trigonella foenum-graecum) 180mg contains anti-inflammatory compounds like flavonoid antioxidants.

Trib extract (90% saponins, 20% protodioscin)180mg promoted to produce significant gains in strength and lean muscle mass in 5-28 days

Maca extract (4:1) 160mg helps establish and maintain hormonal balance and nourishes the entire endocrine system, including the thyroid gland. Thus, it has a positive effect on eliminating chronic fatigue and improving mood.

Tongkat Ali (100:1) 120mg can enhance muscle mass and strength gains while accelerating fat loss in healthy exercisers.

Stinging Nettle (200:1) 50mg Animal research reveals that this powerful plant may prevent testosterone’s conversion into dihydrotestosterone.

Veinox (Epicatechin) 50mg increases nitric oxide production, mitochondrial biogenesis, and exercise performance.

Zinc Gluconate 5mg is efficient in regulation of hormone metabolism even after intense physical activity.

Selenium (Sodium-selenate) 41,25uq has a vital role in muscle development and maintenance.

Vitamin D3 10uq may boost testosterone levels, especially if your vitamin D levels are deficient.

Recommended daily dose: 1-2 capsules with a large glass of water.


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NOVO-X7 Testabooster

Availability: Á lager

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