Whisper Án Koffíns


(VSK innifallinn)

100% Koffínfír PWO drykkur (no stim)

Fullkomin PWO drykkur fyrir þá sem vilja ekki koffín

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Með öllu því sem þú vilt úr PWO drykkjum, nema án koffíns

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What is inside?

L-Citrulline malate 2:1. Arginine AKG 2:1 (6000mg)

L-Citrulline Malate – studies suggest that supplementing with Citrulline Malate prevents muscle breakdown & provides various cardiovascular benefits. This premium ingredient helps maximize your nitric oxide levels for peak performance.

L-Arginine – The #1 proven semi-essential amino acid, which serves as a precursor to nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator when combined with citrulline.

Beta-alanine (4000mg)– Together with histidine, it produces carnosine. Carnosine is then stored in your skeletal muscles. Carnosine reduces lactic acid accumulation in your muscles during exercise, which leads to improved athletic performance.

Betaine (trimethylglycine) (2000mg) is an active metabolite of choline in the body and a component of beetroot. It serves a vital role in methylation in the body alongside folate and is an osmoregulator like creatine.

GPLC (1500mg) appears to be a useful dietary supplement to enhance anaerobic work capacity, potentially sports performance and increase muscle pumps.

GlycoPump® (1500mg) stimulates the absorption of water and allows it to be retained while working out, giving you visible size, and keeping you hydrated.

L-Norvaline (100mg)– Research shows that L-norvaline is a potent inhibitor of arginase activity because of its structural similarity to ornithine, which causes a feedback regulation on arginase activity. When you inhibit arginase, N.O., you produce it continuously at a higher rate.

Amaranth cruentus (500mg) is rich in antioxidants which make your stronger  enhancing the immune system and energy.

Arctic root (350mg) increases body resistance to physical and psychological stress, fatigue, depression, and illness.

Schisandra fruit (300mg) is a powerful herb that boosts energy, increases strength, and naturally enhances testosterone production. Besides, it reduces stress.

Vitamin B3 (10mg) intervenes, among others, to form red blood cells that carry oxygen to the muscles, sex hormones, and neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B6 (4,2mg) helps to stimulate anabolism (protein synthesis and muscle tissue regeneration), the functioning of the nervous system, the synthesis of the neurotransmitter.


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