Vítamín x5 Multivitamin

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Vitamin x5 – Multivitamin / fjölvítamín

120 skammtar

1 Tafla á dag = Yfir 100% af ráðlögðum dagskammti af 19 mikilvægum vítamínum og steinefnum


Availability: Á lager

Vörunúmer: GNVITAMINX5 Flokkar: , , Merkimiði: Brand:


Genius Nutrition® Vitamin-X5 compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals due to irregular nutrition, supply the body with the vital energy, and help fight stress. As our bodies put pressure regularly, we need some extra push to power up our day and get that winning feeling.

Vitamin-X5 is a handy supplement in periods of physical and mental fatigue caused by demanding training, stressful physical activity, or a lot of work.

With one tablet of Vitamin-X5, you’ll meet 100% of the recommended daily amount of as many as 12 vitamins (C, E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, Pantothenic acid, B6, biotin B12, Folic acid). The vitamins contained in Vitamin-X5 will contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems, maintaining 20/20 vision, protecting cells from oxidative stress, reducing fatigue and exhaustion, and maintaining high energy metabolism.

This is custom made for those who always wanted to take vitamins but never pulled the ‘trigger.’

Even if you’re 30 and have never taken vitamins before…you’ll feel the difference right away, thus waking up more relaxed and without feeling so tired during the day.

When resources are degraded, our organs start competing over water, vitamins, and minerals.

Minerals are also necessary for the normal functioning of the organism. They are catalysts in nervous reactions, muscle contractions, and the metabolism of nutrients from food. They are essential for psychological processes, strengthening the bone structure and preserving the heart, brain, muscles, and nervous system.

The minerals contained in Vitamin-X5, also contribute to proper thyroid function and thyroid hormone production, enable healthy DNA synthesis, contribute to the normal production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. In like manner, they have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism and fatty acids, contribute to the maintenance of connective tissues, and contribute to normal spermatogenesis.

Harmful substances can penetrate the body easier than you think, thus creating dangerous chain reactions and physical/mental irregularities.

Genius Nutrition® Vitamin-X5 is an excellent defense mechanism strong enough to prevent the action of free radicals and restore a weakened immune system -especially if you’re avoiding all the green stuff.

Please don’t be afraid if your urine gets ‘glow in the dark yellow,’ almost nuclear color. This happens in response to the excess of riboflavin.

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is a common ingredient in almost all multi-vitamins.

The great news about this effect is that you don’t have to turn the light on in the bathroom. It’s like having a lightsaber coming out of your boxers.

Take them every morning in case you don’t get what you need from actual food, and please don’t take them without a proper diet. Vitamin-X5 tablet can be heavy on an empty stomach, giving you the feeling of throwing up, headaches, etc.

Fjölvítamín með steinefnum

100% Daily Value or more of 19 essential nutrients

Frekari upplýsingar

Þyngd 0.1 kg
Ummál 6.5 × 6.5 × 11.5 cm

Umsagnir (1)

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