PROBIOTIC / Góðgerlar

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100% natural probiotic / Góðgerlar

    • Supports a healthy digestive system
    • Eliminates bloating
    • Helps maintain strong immunity
    • Keeps your BV under control
    • Prevents the development of allergic reactions
    • Helps in treating stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori 

What is inside?

Lactobacillus sporogenes ( spore) per 1 capsule

Availability: Á lager

Vörunúmer: GNPROB Flokkar: , , Merkimiði: Brand:




Not all probiotics are equal

We tend to treat bacteria as ‘bad’ guys who cause illness. On the opposite side, there are a bunch of good bacteria that make a perfect balance in our stomach.

Every time we catch a cold or eat something that causes diarrhea or vomiting, we disrupt that balance, which opens the way for nasty bacteria to multiply and make the problem even worst.


It was identified in 1933 and have unique spore-forming capabilities, which give it some distinct advantages over other probiotic species.

It contains a whopping one BILLION spores per capsule.

If you’re finding prolonged sedentary positions like long flights or non-agile exercises to be torture or you get sick a lot, this is for you.

We present to you Lactobacillus sporogenes – a probiotic by GENIUS.

This is one of the largest groups of good bacteria. They are usually found in the intestinal tract and produce Vitamin K as well as lactase (an enzyme that dissolves milk sugar). Also, they produce anti-inflammatory substances such as acidolin probiotic2acidolfilin and bacteriocin.

Genius Nutrition® Probiotic for regulated intestinal microflora alone contain 100% microencapsulated probiotic culture of Lactobacillus sporogenes, which is a lactic acid bacterium that is considered to be the most studied probiotic culture in the world.

Usually is present in our gut and now in your supplement. You can stop praying for answers.

In its spore phase, this bacterium can withstand higher temperatures than common probiotics like L. acidophilus, which dramatically increases its shelf-life and eliminates the need for refrigeration.

Despite all the fancy tests that have been done, both in mainstream medicine and the alternative world, nothing will lead you more to sturdier gut motility except Lactobacillus sporogenes.

Hyper-sensitive GI tract and severe pain? No problem.

This particular probiotic strain helps to alleviate common GI issues, like bloating and digestion.

And not only will this relieve you from frequent loose stools, but it will help you to feel stronger, more alert, and have more energy.

Imagine your gut as the headquarters of your immune system, which GENIUS’s Lactobacillus is taking care of?!

Immunomodulatory agents that we obtained and formulated from Lactobacillus sporogenes enhances the immune responsiveness of the organism against various pathogens.

Genius Nutrition® Probiotic can save and enhance your immune system because it’s non-pathogenic, resistant to very low pH, confer a beneficial property like immune stimulation and protection against pathogens, able to adhere to the gut epithelium.

It also balances your colonic microbiome giving you vaccine properties, reducing fecal enzymes that could be the innovation of cancerogenic cells, and treat bacterial vaginosis no matter what the cause is.

Genius Nutrition® Probiotic work by inhibiting the growth of harmful gut bacteria and developing epithelial tissues in the intestines, which are forming a barrier against pathogenic microbes.

They are also boosting the production of T lymphocytes, which are natural killer cells. Any virus or flue has got nothing on your immunity.

Who would have thought that something like tweaking your gut microbiome can work?!

Probiotics are good for you, yes, but if you have an unhealthy lifestyle, then don’t expect these to be your magic pill. Of course, like any vitamin, you have to give these ‘guys’ 2-4 weeks to get into your system and work their ‘magic.’


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