
Pineapple Chaos



➠ Shake well the shot bottle before use. Consume half a serving (40 ml) 10-15 minutes before workout.

 1 Shot = 2 servings (80 ml) = 320 mg caffeine

 1 Shot = 1 serving (40 ml) = 160 mg caffeine

 As Fury Extreme is a very potent supplement, we recommend beginner users to consume only half of a bottle.

 Warning! Refrigerate after opening!

Athugið að skotin eru að renna út 27.7.2023

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Vörunúmer: GNFURY Flokkar: , ,

It gives you the drive to push yourself to your limits, to make the impossible become possible and your dreams come true, and see results kick in almost instantly. You’ll see your energy levels, pumps, focus, endurance and strength explode beyond what you ever thought possible! Fury Extreme is more than your everyday pre-workout: it is the most powerful weapon in your performance arsenal. Fury Extreme contains the most advanced superingredients for the most furious workout we’ve ever experienced. At Genius Nutrition, we use only ingredients of the highest purity and efficiency, as we are aware that quality is of the essence when it comes to results and a truly premium product.

Nutrition information per serving – 40 ml (half a bottle) – 0 kJ/0 kcal, fat – 0 g, sugars – 0 g, dietary fiber – 0 g, protein – 0 g, salt – 0 g.


➠ Shake well the shot bottle before use. Consume half a serving (40 ml) 10-15 minutes before workout.

 1 Shot = 2 servings (80 ml) = 320 mg caffeine

 1 Shot = 1 serving (40 ml) = 160 mg caffeine

 As Fury Extreme is a very potent supplement, we recommend beginner users to consume only half of a bottle.

 Warning! Refrigerate after opening!


Þyngd 0.1 kg


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