ELITEPAK – Fjölvítamín


Frábært fjölvítamín tileinkað fólki sem stundar æfingar og keppni undir miklu álagi.

Hver skammtur er 8 töflur sem innihalda fjöldan allan af vítamínum, steinefnum, omega 3 og fleira.

Availability: Á lager

  • Frír sendingarkostnaður á Dropp afhendingarstaði um allt land þegar verslað er fyrir 10.990 eða meira
Vörunúmer: GNELITEP Flokkar: , ,


  • VITAMIN AND MINERAL – Play an essential role in energy production, and haemoglobin synthesis. They assist with integration and repair of muscle tissue during recovery from exercise and injury.


  • TABLE VITAMIN C AND MACES – Is required for the growth and repair of tissues of all parts of the body. It forms an essential protein from which the skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels are made. Also, blocks the harmful effects of free radicals.


  • OMEGA-3 SOFT GEL – For the health of eyes, brain and cardiovascular system.


  • CO-Q10 SOFT GEL – Is vital in protecting the musculature and organs of athletes and serves as a generator of muscle energy and strength. It increases strength by encouraging the conversion of carbohydrates into energy and thus strengthens the muscles.


  • LECITHIN SOFT GEL – Act as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.


  • CLA SOFT GEL – It has a positive effect on protein and fat metabolism to produce energy. It helps to reduce body fat deposits, but also maintains lean muscle mass.


  • VITAMINS B TABLET – Relieve fatigue and increase energy. B Vitamins are crucial in the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose from which our body draws in the necessary energy. On the other hand, they are excellent at producing energy from fat.


  • CALCIUM MAGNESIUM AND ZINC TABLE – These are essential for contractions of the transverse and smooth muscles and contractions of the heart muscle. It is involved in several enzymatic processes (Krebs cycle, protein and nucleic acid synthesis). It is also involved in energy generation (ATP), glucose transport into cells and neuromuscular transmission.




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➠ One pak per day with a glass of water and only after meal.

Warning! Dietary supplements are only intended for healthy persons. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of the reach of children. This dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Consume preferably before the date indicated on the container. Store in a cool and dry place.


Fjölvítamín með steinefnum

Þyngd .75 kg


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ELITEPAK – Fjölvítamín

Availability: Á lager

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