
100% Natural weight loss & muscle gain support!

  • Burns fatty deposits
  • Supports the health of the whole organism
  • Contributes to weight loss
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Maintains healthy cholesterol levels back to normal
  • Reduces the amount of fat stored after a meal

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CLAFUSE (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) or conjugated linoleic acid is a derivative of linoleic acid and is a unique form of omega 6 fatty acid. It is chemically and functionally different from omega 6 flaxseed oil. It is essential in human nutrition but can be found in food only in smaller quantities.
And because the human body can’t produce CLA, you can only get it through supplements to reap the benefits.
The primary role of conjugated linoleic acid in the body is its positive effect on protein and fat metabolism to produce energy. It helps to reduce body fat deposits, but also maintains lean muscle mass.
Besides, it has an antioxidant effect and supports cardiovascular health.
This is a perfect dieting supplement to go with your meal plans and workouts, and it is intended for professional athletes and recreational sportspeople, but also for all persons who have a problem with gaining weight.
This supplement fuels energy and fat metabolism without stimulants and so many do swear by CLA effects. Still, we just want for you to see how your water and fat are diminishing, leaving you muscular and belly-free.
Because we are a company that is interested in their customers, not just profit.


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